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Secure and Accepted Payments

Secure and Accepted Payments are as follows

PayPal: You can use the direct payment with PayPal if you are already a user and have an account or registered your credit card within them. It is the world’s most secure online payment system, and your data will be protected by a secure encrypted system.

Credit Card: For payment by Credit / Debit Card we use the NEXI form of the Intesa San Paolo Banking Group, very simple and safe for online payments and your data will be protected by an encrypted system and stored only for the time necessary for the successful completion of the transaction.

Bank Transfer: For payment by bank transfer you will find our details to make it in the Order Form. (the order will be shipped when the bank transfer is actually credited, usually 24-48 subsequent working hours).

Furthermore, this information will never be used by Azienda Agricola Orietta Bucci except to complete the procedures relating to your purchase and to issue the relative refunds in the event of any product returns, following the exercise of your right of withdrawal, or if it is necessary to prevent or report to the police the commission of fraud on BOLOGNAMI.COM