The Bolognami History
The history of our Bolognami farm started about 250 years ago, from the Luigetti Family from Goiella, a district of Castiglione del Lago. My great-great-grandfathers and my great-grandfathers were natives of this area and were farmers, like most of our people starting from the Etruscan age and until the first half of the 1900.

They were devoted to the cultivation of grains and legumes and to the bovine and pork livestock. My grandfather Francesco Bucci, who was coming from the Pistoia district and belonging to a wood merchants’ family, that moved in the Tavernelle, district of Panicale (Perugia) to conduct their job in our area.

At the beginning of the 1930s, my grandfather met and married my grandmother Corinna Luigetti and he decided to dedicate himself to the wife’s family farm, so expanding and improving it in all aspects. In the mid-1950s succeeded my father Lucio, who after following specific studies in the agricultural field, decided to dedicate himself too to expand the farm creating the cornerstone in Bolognami, in the district of Castiglione del Lago (Perugia), where is situated a beautiful farmhouse, place of the first settlement dated back to the 1500.

My father modernized the farm in the cultures, as well as, in the livestock through the use of new technologies, but always strictly respecting the environment and the territory. He was absolutely passionate and expert in his profession and he was able to lead the farm unharmed through the difficulties of the agricultural field occurred in the 1960s with the desertion and depopulation of our countryside and he made the farm stronger and more adaptable.

In 2004 I entered in the farm, I am Orietta, even if I belong to humanistic studies, through time I developed a passion for Mother Earth expanding even more the farm and looking after the cultures day after day, also relying on professionals of this field in order to achieve the best results, but always saving and protecting, as much as possible, the nature and the territory, that is something very important to me.

In 2018 my mother-in-law Eduina, who belonged to an ancient Tuscan farmer’s family, decided to bequeath her farm of Montepulciano (Siena) to me. The farm was dated back to the Valdichiana’s decontamination at the end of the 1700 and I accepted this gift with great satisfaction trying to improve the cultures always respecting the natural environment’s history, where it is situated. Today I am waiting for my son Matteo, who is showing much interest in devoting himself in the agricultural field. Since he comes from over ten-years old experiences in the tourist field and being aware of the importance of our beautiful territory, both for the food and wine and for the tourism, he is planning a further development of my farm.