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indicazione geografica tipica

The Indicazione Geografica Tipica, better known as I.G.T., is reserved for wines whose production takes place in the respective geographical indication provided for by the specification, the grapes from which it is obtained come for at least 85% exclusively from that geographical area, with the relative organoleptic characteristics indicated . The I.G.T. it is important as it is the first step of the classification, this category includes wines produced in certain regions or geographical areas, authorized by law, according to a production specification, they can report on the label, in addition to the indication of the color, also the indication of the grape variety used and the year of harvesting of the grapes. The mention I.G.T. may be replaced by the mention Vin de Pays for wines produced in Valle d'Aosta, and by the mention Landwein for wines produced in South Tyrol in the autonomous province of Bolzano